Viber v6.5.5.1372 APK Free Call, Mesages, Create Group, Play Games

Viber v6.5.5.1372 APK Free Call, Mesages, Create Group, Play Games

viber APK
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Fitur :

  • Connect with friends and family using instant messaging, voice calls or live video chats
  • Choose a contact from your phone book or simply enter a phone number to add a new contact on Viber. You can send a text message, but Viber offers so much more than just free messages! Share photos and videos, enjoy emoji icons and cool stickers, record audio messages and even send files.
  • Group chat with up to 200 people!
  • With Viber messenger it’s easy to create and participate in group chats - with up to 200 people at once! Get all of your favorite people in group chat, create work groups and organize events easily. You can also ‘like’ any user’s voice or text message.
  • Why users worldwide are choosing Viber Free Messenger:
  • Hassle-free, long-distance calls - Viber Messenger is your free international calling app! No need for a username or login information, simply activate by entering your phone number
  • Voice or video - Make your free phone call now! - Choose between the basic voice call or go with our live video chat if you need a face-to-face! Whether you make a phone call domestically or have international calls to make, all phone calls boast HD sound quality.
  • Secured communications - Viber messenger automatically encrypts text messages, video and voice calls, photos, videos and group chats.
  • Trusted contacts - Manually authenticate contacts to make sure you are talking to who you mean to be talking to.
  • Express yourself with stickers - Bring your text message to life by sending playful emoji icons and cool stickers.
  • Your personal messenger with “damage control” - Delete a text message or voice message even after it was sent.
  • ‘Hidden Chats’ feature - Choose to hide specific chats from your messaging screen and access them later.
  • Additional features! Use Viber Messenger to play Viber games with friends, follow Public Chats, share your contacts, find out if people have seen your messages, turn on location and much more!

Screenshot :

System Required :

Whats New :

  1. Instant video messages - Tap and hold the instant video icon to capture the moment with 30-second videos, release to send.
  2. Chat Extensions - Find and share online content right from your conversation screen. Select the “@” icon, search for content and share directly from the results with a single tap.
  3. Redesigned emoticons - Our emoticons have a new, fresh look!
  4. Larger group chats - Now you can add up to 250 people to group chats.

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1 Response to "Viber v6.5.5.1372 APK Free Call, Mesages, Create Group, Play Games "

  1. mantap nih , lebih enteg dari line ternyata.. izin download ya min ,, bermanfaat banget site nya (y)


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